birthday special someone korg coming soon? atau anniversary date korg dah dekat n yet still belum thought of hadiah yang besh2 utk dat special day? dun worry butterfliers suma, apa kata if korg wat kelainan for dat special event utk tahun ni...forget all the perfumes, shirts, clothes, frames, or apa2 benda alah lain yg tgh bergayut2 dlm fikiran u ol tu...n try this wut so-called 'love drugs'...korg tau x apa menatang love drugs tu?hik3, meh cni i explain...
diadaptasi dr citer Korea ' A Millionaire First Love', korg ble wat present-to-be kowg tu as a lifetime rememberance for him/ sblm i gtau cara2 mbuat benda ni, better klu i show u ol 1st camna rupabentuk bakal present kowg nih so dat kowg dpt imagine sket2...haa~ camni la rupa love drugs kowg tu...cantek x? ok, cara utk bwat menda ni simple ja...u ol just kena fikir 100 reasons on why kowg sayang sgt kat special someone kowg other words, u ol state'kan 100 reasons kenapa owg tu important tuk kowg sndiwi...
1. print reasons2 tu dlm kertas yg berwarna...bersaiz kecik ja tau...then gulung comel2...
2. beli softgel capsules kat farmasi n masukkan kertas yg u ol gulungkan td....
3. masukkan dalam botol kaca, then bwat la label mcm label ubat kat luar botol tu..terpulang la ngn u ol nak wat design apa...
dis shud be da final look of ur love drugs (depends on ur design+creativity la kan)...
kat bwh ni i list kan cth reasons tu 10 ja la...yg lagi 90, u ol cari sendiwi tau...korg baca la...ble menambah2kan idea...he3...
1. You’re my SWEETEST drug!
2. I don’t need to pretend to be HAPPY, it just happens~
3. When I walk out, you GRAB me back
4. Tears may drop, but you’re there to WIPE it away
5. In you, I found the other part of ME
6. Each time I think of you, BUTTERFLIES tangle in my stomach
7. You stay on the phone for HOURS even though there's nothing much to say
8. Sometimes, both of us are stubborn but you gave in FIRST
9. You used ‘WE’ instead of ‘ME’ =)
10.Regardless all the girls in your life, I’m your GIRL
credits to for the photos
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